Lord John and the Scottish Prisoner

Lord John and the Scottish Prisoner  
Author(s) Diana Gabaldon
Country United States
Language English
Series Lord John Grey series (book 3)
Genre(s) Historical novel
Publisher Delacorte Press
Publication date Scheduled for November 29, 2011
Media type Print
Preceded by The Custom of the Army (novella)

Lord John and the Scottish Prisoner was the original working title of The Scottish Prisoner (A Lord John Novel), the third novel in the Lord John series by Diana Gabaldon.

Set in 1760, this is a two-person book, alternating between Jamie Fraser's point of view and that of Lord John Grey. According to Diana Gabaldon, the book was renamed in order to emphasize the fact that the book is as much Jamie Fraser's story as it is Lord John's.[1] It is scheduled to be released on November 29, 2011.


  1. ^ Message posted by Diana Gabaldon on the Compuserve Books and Writers Community, June 20, 2011.